Ruvin Bros. in North Shore Living

As originally published in North Shore Living, February 2023 issue.

Ruvin Bros. is one of Southeastern Wisconsin’s trusted design/build construction firms for new construction, remodeling, and additions. Since 1987, they have distinguished themselves by providing comprehensive, budget-conscious, design/build services for new and existing homes. They are proud to provide the community with a superlative experience and the best value they can on all projects.

The philosophy behind Ruvin Bros., owner Tony Enea shares, “is pretty simple, I want my clients to be treated the way I want to be treated.” This approach puts the customer at the center of every project. Tony also shares that he believes timing is everything, “the difference between an excuse and a reason is timing.” He emphasizes the importance of communicating honestly throughout all their projects as an essential part of what makes Ruvin Bros. different and able to establish strong lasting relationships with their clients. “One of the greatest compliments we receive is when clients refer their children to us for a project. It reinforces our customer-centric honest approach to the design-build process.”

Whether the project is large or small, their consistent, repeatable process allows them to understand their client’s goals for both design and budget and maximize the value they can provide. Their goal is to provide a customer experience that is so positive it deepens their customer relationships, customer loyalty, and strengthens the Ruvin Bros. brand. In short, they believe if they always act in their customer’s best interest, they’ll always have customers. They believe the difference in customer loyalty and customer satisfaction is the difference of being seen as a commodity service provider and being Ruvin Bros.

Not only does Ruvin Bros. value every customer relationship, but they also value their relationships with subcontractors and vendors. During this challenging environment with supply chain issues and labor shortages, the long-lasting relationships that Tony has established has enabled them to staff projects and minimize construction delays. Tony shares, “The relationships we have built with our clients, subcontractors, and vendors have not only strengthened our business but have enhanced my personal life with some great friendships.”

The building industry is a fast-paced and creative environment. At Ruvin Bros. they have cultivated an atmosphere that is fast-paced, creative, and fun. Tony shares that his staff is amazing and they all have a great sense of humor. He shares this office story, “We are all very close, so there is frequent pranking. In one instance, we have a long-term employee (19 years) who is very particular about her office space/chair/keyboard. She left her computer on when leaving one night and another employee shut down her station for her. Prior to shutting it down, he took the batteries out of her mouse and keyboard.

When we learned of this, we decided to prank the prankster and asked Mequon police to stop in and help us. They were kind enough to stop in his office and confront him about the ‘missing batteries.’ The look on his face when confronted by the police was priceless!”

And it is not just the humor that makes working at Ruvin Bros. fun; they also welcome four-legged friends to their office. Tony Enea has been on the board of the WI Humane Society for 20 years. It is a cause that is very near and dear to his heart. They are an office of animal lovers as a result, and there is often a dog or two in the office on any given day.

Tony and everyone at Ruvin Bros. wants to thank their clients and the community. The opportunities they have been given and the trust their clients have put in them for the last 35 years are very humbling, and they do not take that for granted.

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